Ogłoszenie archiwalne, może być już nieaktualne.

HR Business Partner Assistant (Trainee)

Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Ogłoszenie Bezpośrednie

Szczegóły oferty:

You will be responsible for:
- supporting HR processes: especially recruitment, hiring process (sending and receiving the documentation necessary for employment), onboarding and offboarding
- ensuring the timely conduct of periodic health and safety trainings, medical examinations, employment contract renewals
- updating employee records throughout employee lifecycle
- collecting offers and organizing trainings, workshops, team building activities
- creating summaries, reports and presentations

We are looking for you, if you:
- are interested in HR issues
- are available min. 24-30 hours per week
- have a very good command of English (C1)
- are proficient in MS Office, especially Power Point and Excel,
- are good at organizing your own work, planning and establishing tasks
- are proactive in your approach to tasks and highly independent
- like teamwork and contact with other people

You can gain:
- interim job
- flexible working hours (24-30 hours per week)
- we will do our best to guide you through your early professional experience in an international environment
- you will develop your soft and hard skills during training and under the supervision of a dedicated Mentor
- you will put your newly gained skills into practice and broaden your horizon by participating in projects dedicated to relevant business cases

Interrested? Apply: rekrutacja@skanska.pl

Dodano dnia: 08-03-2022


Skanska SA

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